All Things Are Ready Tract by E W Kenyon

List Price: $ 13.99

E.W. Kenyon

Tri-Fold Paper Tract. Each tract contains a truth to lead to a clear-cut decision for Christ, and fresh faith for physical healing. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free, and rejoice in your emancipation from sin, sickness, and disease through Jesus Christ your Lord.

E.W. Kenyon
E.W. Kenyon

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E.W. Kenyon
E.W. Kenyon
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All Things Are Ready Tract

All Things Are Ready Tract By E W Kenyon

E.W. Kenyon

Description: Tri-Fold Paper Tract.  Each tract contains a  truth to lead to a clear-cut decision for Christ, and fresh faith for physical healing. Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free, and rejoice in your emancipation from sin, sickness, and disease through Jesus Christ your Lord.

PRICES: Tracts are pre-packaged: 100 for $12.49

Even though the author, Dr. E W Kenyon, was called Home to be with the Lord in 1948, his Tracts & books continue to bless multitudes all over the world.  “He being dead yet speaketh…”

All Things Are Ready- God has done all that He could do in our Redemption. He gave His only begotten Son a Substitute for our sins. His finished work meets every need of man. When He planned our redemption it covered every need. He knew what was required. He furnished a Redemption that utterly met the need of every man. He perfectly satisfied the claims of the Supreme Court of the Universe against outlawed man. Since the Son has done that work for Him, He now stands ready to make good every promise in order to meet our faith for every need. He has provided a perfect Redemption for us, so that we may stand in His Presence as though Adam had never sinned. He not only justified His own right to created man in the face of the fact that He knew man would fall, but He has gone beyond that in making it possible for every disease to be healed, every weakness turned to strength, all power of satan nullified and to stand in His presence a righteous perfect being, an absolute New Creation created in Christ Jesus. 

All Things Are Ready Tract


All Things Are Ready Tract
  • ISBN-10: 1577700201
  • ISBN-13: 9781577700203
  • Publisher: Kenyon Publishing
  • Pages: Tri- Fold Paper Tract
  • Actual Weight: 1 pound 3 ounces
All Things Are Ready Tract